Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund
The Mariginiup Bushfires appeal has closed.
For a full summary of donations and pledges please visit Current Appeals.
The Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund (the Fund) was established in 1961, following the disastrous Dwellingup fires where 123 people were left homeless and the timber towns of Holyoake, Nanga Brook, Marrinup and Banksiadale were completely burnt out.
The Fund was established in conjunction with the State Government to provide financial assistance to individuals for the alleviation and relief of distress, suffering and personal hardships, brought about by any disaster or emergency within Western Australia declared by the Western Australian Government or for which the LMDRF Board considers assistance is warranted.
The Fund is incorporated under the Charitable Collections Act and has Australian Taxation Office tax deductibility status. The Fund is administered by an independent Board which consists of up to 15 members.
The objects of the Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund are:
- To provide a permanent fund for the alleviation and relief of distress, suffering, hardship and misfortune brought about by any disaster or emergency of a general application which has been declared as such by the relevant West Australian Government agency or department of the time;
- To provide relief and aid as determined by the Board of the Association from time to time to persons undergoing such distress, suffering, hardship or misfortune brought about by any event mentioned in rule 3(1) or as determined by the Board on a case-by-case basis;
- To provide supplementary funds for the alleviation and relief of distress, suffering, hardship or misfortune to any major disaster whether within Western Australia or outside Western Australia where such a disaster has been so determined by any government or statutory authority.
The City of Perth has donated administrative and other support services to the Fund since its inception. The City of Perth seeks no reimbursement for the costs associated with providing support to the Fund. This means 100% of donations raised through appeals goes directly to those in need.