Refund Policy

The Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund (LMDRF) relies completely on the generosity of donors.

This Policy outlines how and when we are able to provide refunds on donations.

Donation Errors

If you’ve accidentally donated the wrong amount, rest assured we can help.

While LMDRF is under no obligation to refund donations made in error, we will always endeavour to fix any genuine errors (such as the amount donated) as soon as possible.

Please note, LMDRF does not offer refunds for a change of heart. It’s for this reason that we ask that you make your choice to donate carefully.

What you should do

You have up to 30 days to notify LMDRF of any errors and make a refund request in writing.
Please send your refund request via either:

Post: Attention: LMDRF
City of Perth
GPO Box C120
Perth, Western Australia, Australia 6839

What to include

Be sure to include details of your original donation including:

  • your full name (or the name used on your credit card)
  • the donation date
  • the donation amount
  • your receipt number, and
  • the nature of the error made.

What happens next?

LMDRF will review your refund request and let you know the outcome.
When your refund is approved, your original tax receipt becomes void and invalid, and a new receipt will be issued (where applicable).