Many communities across Western Australia have experienced hardships resulting from natural disasters and have been assisted by the LMDRF. Since 1996, the LMDRF has raised and distributed almost $25M to over 2,000 Western Australians.
Chronology of LMDRF Appeals and Relief Assistance since 1961
Disaster | Year |
Dwellingup Fire | 1961 |
Tasmanian Disaster Relief Fund | 1967 |
Meckering Earth Quake | 1968 |
Queensland Flood Relief | 1974 |
Darwin Cyclone Relief | 1974/75 |
Port Hedland Cyclone | 1975 |
Queensland Cyclone & Flood Damage Relief Fund | 1975 |
Fruili (Italy) Earthquake Appeal | 1976 |
Carnarvon Flood Relief | 1976 |
Cyclone Alby (South West) | 1978 |
South West Floods (Great Southern) | 1982 |
Lord Mayor’s South Atlantic Trust Fund | 1982 |
Ash Wednesday Bushfires, South Australia and Victoria | 1983 |
South Eastern Suburbs Flood Relief | 1987 |
South-West and Great Southern Floods | 1987 |
Cyclone Herbie | 1988 |
New South Wales/Queensland Floods | 1990 |
New South Wales Bushfires | 1994 |
Cyclone Olivia | 1997 |
Ashburton River Floods | 1997 |
Jerdacuttup Fires | 1998 |
Brookton Pingelly Fire | 1997/1998 |
Esperance Bushfires | 1998 |
Esperance Floods | 1999 |
Moora Floods (Cyclone Vance) | 1999 |
Exmouth Floods (Cyclone Vance) | 1999 |
Carnarvon Floods (Cyclone Steve) | 2000 |
WA Bali Bombings casualties | 2002 |
Gingin Fires | 2002 |
Cranbrook/Plantagenet/Bridgetown Fires | 2003 |
Dumbleyung Fires | 2004 |
Boxing Day Tsunami (Sri Lanka) | 2004 |
Lake Grace Floods | 2006 |
Gascoyne/Murchison Floods | 2006 |
Dwellingup Fires | 2007 |
Stoneville Fire | 2008 |
Bridgetown Fires | 2009 |
Toodyay Fire | 2009 |
Gascoyne and Mid-West Floods | 2010 |
Lake Clifton Fires | 2011 |
Perth Hills Fire | 2011 |
Margaret River Fire | 2011 |
Pastoral Wildfires | 2012 |
Parkerville Fire | 2014 |
Esperance Fires | 2015 |
Waroona and District Fire | 2016 |
Wooroloo and Hills Bushfire | 2021 |
Tropical Cyclone Seroja | 2021 |
Kimberley Floods | 2023 |
Mariginiup Bushfire | 2023 |
The cost of administering the LMDRF is entirely absorbed by the City of Perth
so 100% of money raised can go back to those who need it.