Many communities across Western Australia have experienced hardships resulting from natural disasters and have been assisted by the LMDRF. Since 1996, the LMDRF has raised and distributed almost $25M to over 2,000 Western Australians.

Chronology of LMDRF Appeals and Relief Assistance since 1961


Disaster Year
Dwellingup Fire 1961
Tasmanian Disaster Relief Fund 1967
Meckering Earth Quake 1968
Queensland Flood Relief 1974
Darwin Cyclone Relief 1974/75
Port Hedland Cyclone 1975
Queensland Cyclone & Flood Damage Relief Fund 1975
Fruili (Italy) Earthquake Appeal 1976
Carnarvon Flood Relief 1976
Cyclone Alby (South West) 1978
South West Floods (Great Southern) 1982
Lord Mayor’s South Atlantic Trust Fund 1982
Ash Wednesday Bushfires, South Australia and Victoria 1983
South Eastern Suburbs Flood Relief 1987
South-West and Great Southern Floods 1987
Cyclone Herbie 1988
New South Wales/Queensland Floods 1990
New South Wales Bushfires 1994
Cyclone Olivia 1997
Ashburton River Floods 1997
Jerdacuttup Fires 1998
Brookton Pingelly Fire 1997/1998
Esperance Bushfires 1998
Esperance Floods 1999
Moora Floods (Cyclone Vance) 1999
Exmouth Floods (Cyclone Vance) 1999
Carnarvon Floods (Cyclone Steve) 2000
WA Bali Bombings casualties 2002
Gingin Fires 2002
Cranbrook/Plantagenet/Bridgetown Fires 2003
Dumbleyung Fires 2004
Boxing Day Tsunami (Sri Lanka) 2004
Lake Grace Floods 2006
Gascoyne/Murchison Floods 2006
Dwellingup Fires 2007
Stoneville Fire 2008
Bridgetown Fires 2009
Toodyay Fire 2009
Gascoyne and Mid-West Floods 2010
Lake Clifton Fires 2011
Perth Hills Fire 2011
Margaret River Fire 2011
Pastoral Wildfires 2012
Parkerville Fire 2014
Esperance Fires 2015
Waroona and District Fire 2016
Wooroloo and Hills Bushfire 2021
Tropical Cyclone Seroja 2021
Kimberley Floods 2023
Mariginiup Bushfire 2023


The cost of administering the LMDRF is entirely absorbed by the City of Perth
so 100% of money raised can go back to those who need it.